Friday, September 25, 2015

Java Keywords (Return, Super, This)

Return: This keyword is a keyword. This can be use with methods, loops, and statements. The behavior of return is different with different scenarios.

1)   Methods: Return keyword is always used with method when the return type is not void. Return type of methods could be anything. The return value must be as the return type declared with method signature.

package com.demo;

public class DemoClass {

       public String getName() {

              String name = "Try Catch";

              return name;


2)   Loops: In context of loops, return keyword used when we want to exit from loop. Here is no need to declare return value.

package com.demo;

public class DemoClass {

       public void getName() {

              while (true) {

                     System.out.println("Try Catch");


Super: Super is a keyword which is use to access the members of super or parent class. To use super keyword, inheritance must be there. This keyword could use with following statements:

package com.demo;

public class SuperClass {

       String name = "Instance varibale of SuperClass";
       public SuperClass() {
              System.out.println("Super class constructor...");
       void getName(){
              System.out.println("Method of Super class...");


1)    Instance Variables: Super keyword use to access or call the instance variable of parent or super class into child or base class.

2)    Constructor: Using super keyword, we can call the constructor of super class. You will see that, while calling super class constructor there is () brackets. This is because; constructor is also like a normal method. So to tell compiler that, we are calling constructor not other members of super class, we have to use these brackets.

3)    Methods: Methods of super call can be access using super keyword.

package com.demo;

public class BaseClass extends SuperClass {

       String name = "Try Catch";

       public BaseClass() {

       public static void main(String[] args) {

              BaseClass base = new BaseClass();


       void getName() {

       void showMethod() {



This: This keyword is to use to call all the members of same class rather than super class. Rest behavior is always same as super keyword.

package com.demo;

public class BaseClass extends SuperClass {

       String name = "Try Catch";

       public BaseClass() {
              System.out.println("Basse class constructor...");

       public static void main(String[] args) {

              BaseClass base = new BaseClass();


       void getName() {


       void showMethod() {



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